Breaking out of the chicken-egg conundrum

Breaking out of the chicken-egg conundrum

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? One answer is, “A chicken is how an egg reproduces itself.” This entertaining puzzler is solvable, however, if you start thinking about patterns of relationships in time. It becomes entertaining philosophy instead; when relatedness-time replaces linear-time. I’ll explain with a true story… A long time ago, when I moved from London…

Where do the three dimensions of space come from?

Where do the three dimensions of space come from?

I made 3D-printed models of the quantum level movements that I speculate could unfold as the waves and particles of matter, and as gravity. They show the synergy of relatedness that our reasoning brains may veil when we analyse as observers, rather than live as participators. Read on…

Beyond Materialism: ‘some sort of panpsychism’, or not?

Beyond Materialism: ‘some sort of panpsychism’, or not?

For three hundred years or more, scientific method has been based on detached observation. Experimenters study ‘it’ as if from a dualistically separate rational mind, which philosophically is also an ‘it’ (a noun), but a different sort of ‘it’.

Then came quantum physics (now for about 100 years!), with its discovery that every measurement is an act of participation. No longer is the rationalising mind dualistically separated from ‘the experimental system’. Philosophers, metaphysicians, cosmologists, and the general thinking public are placed in a quandary. The old Greco-Roman categories of matter and mind seem inadequate to explain the interface,

Triunity – nondual life process philosophy

Triunity – nondual life process philosophy

Triunity, like monism and dualism, is a philosophical approach to make sense of lived experience. Triune process philosophy extends the New Science of adaptive systems into a theory of knowing that overcomes the mind/matter dichotomy. In this new approach to epistemology, an identical fabric of informational processing accounts for movement within both the material cosmos,…

Qualities of Consciousness

Qualities of Consciousness

My story about qualities of consciousness alerts us to a level of wholeness and life that purely informational intelligence cannot reach, even though machines win chess tournaments and guide explosives out of the skies to rain down on cities. It is called Universal Love… but, you know, it’s Tough Love.

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