The myth
An urban myth has emerged that ascribes multi-dimensionality to the 3D space we live in (up to eleven dimensions so far in M-Theory), and multiple versions of the universe we all share (the absurdity of a multiverse). But it seems strange to me that nobody has first explained why it is common sense that we live in three dimensional space.
Missiles are guided through three dimensions of space (and one of time) to land almost exactly where planned under the influence of gravity. Telescopes can be placed precisely in high orbit where they can see through this gravitationally warped 3D space to far distant exploding stars back in ancient time. People play tennis in 3D courts, and others eat strawberries and cream outside them in our British summer sunshine at Wimbledon. It is a general assumption that these three dimensions exist, even if they are not a simple ‘container’ for movements of strawberries and cream, tennis balls, missiles, and radio transmissions beamed ‘back to planet Earth’. So why look for eight more dimensions when we don’t have any explanation for the first three?
We just assume them, and accept them, and get on with life. It’s a mathematical myth that there are more. Popular publicity has made it an urban myth also, taking us away from the qualities of the relational analogue reality we all share here and now.
The veiled reality hiding gravity
Well an intriguing proposal has emerged in my recently published book, Clearing a Way: Unveiling the Mental Tricks that Hide Reality (O-Books, 2024, ISBN 978-1-8031-289-4)[1]. Imagine for a moment that the universe is not made of discrete solid particles bouncing around in a container of spacetime. Imagine it is more like a united field of energy in motion. David Bohm, a quantum physicist, called this fluid field holomovement (wholeness of movement).[2] It would be a relational wholeness of quantum probabilities unfolding into the actualizations of the material world we know. The reality I describe in my book is how, within this utterly relational wholeness, patterns of movement can spontaneously diversify and stabilise. These diverse patterns of movement become what we call ‘particles and waves’, scaling up their stabilising order into atoms and molecules and living cells and living bodies in social groupings and cultures, all unfolding in the changing environments we share.
I made 3D-printed models of this, geometrically displaying holomovement. In doing so, I discovered how holomovement could spontaneously differentiate into substates simply by mixing two different types of quantum-sized half-spins of movement, shown below.
This model uses the ancient Celtic triquetra[3] as an icon of a half-spin. The three corners are points of internal reflection of a quantum-scale movement at the Planck length. However, these turns could become ligands that connect this inner movement into wider networks as a spinfoam. They could become like a web of informational movement filaments connecting relatively stable domains of movement and extending throughout the entire universe. This informational movement network or spinfoam could be the hidden reason why gravity does not fit the Standard Model of particle physics. If this movement relationally creates probabilities of unfolding actualizations of material changes, then spacetime and wave-particles, as we consciously experience our material world to be, are products growing out of these unfolding interactive events. That would be how we participate in this holomovement reality, through our entire embodiment and not just through our brains. Body-mind separation dissolves and we are ‘there’.
These two half-spins are a bit like yang and yin mixing, but I remain cautious about calling them that. Three different ‘double triquetrae’ result when differently pairing their movements. In order to sustain synergic movement between them, the ligand must rotate slightly in two of the pairings, in different directions, introducing the directionality of interconnected movement that these models predict will create the three dimensions of space.
One of the more extended models that results has been shown above. The flat hexagonal stable domains look to me like the seeds of particles, stabilising when three flat double triquetrae connect into a ring of movement. The linear filament looks like the seed of a wave. Different rotational polarisations result when these two types of triquetral half-spin (clockwise and anticlockwise) network in different patterns. An infinite range of patterns is possible, but perhaps only some can stabilise and replicate.
These hexagonal seeds may extend or be incomplete, generating the entire range of subatomic particles having more or less mass and stability, depending on how the filaments in their associated fields pull on them or hold them internally in a manifold of shapes. Mutual pulling by synergic filaments of holomovement between stable domains in radiating orientations would be gravity; but in this model it is an implicate order gravity holding the entire cosmos together. Gravity would be active as entanglements prior to space-time-substance emerging from the holomovement fluidity. This type of intrinsic holomovement gravity would therefore shape how the transactions between stable domains spread into spatial arrays. This gravitational holomovement could create the three dimensions of space as we know it, in which we conversationally share our lives. (See CAD animation.)
Triquetral waves are helicoid filaments of interlocking internal spins. They may form as double triquetrae connect their spins at the Planck length. Extending laterally from its synergic internal connectedness of movement are spare ‘ligands’, coloured blue here. They offer into the ‘quantum vacuum’ a helicoid array of spare ligands for potential energetic interactions. This particular one illustrated is colour coded such that the blue side ligands offered represent change introduced into the wider environment. This is what gravity does, so we have here an image of a proposed holomovement gravitational wave. It would connect two stable domains, which we know as mass, and induce wider networking change in holomovement probability fields around them. Making the models revealed that there are three fundamental types of triquetral informational wave – gravitational, electromagnetic, and thermodynamic – each with two opposite spin types (left and right). The interactions of these so happen to be the fusion reactions that are ongoing in stars, including our local sun.
These models show a speculative foundational synergic process of utter relatedness, the veiled reality, making a holomovement ‘fabric’ prior to the emergence of any wave-particles in localised 3D space. Through this ‘fabric’, secondary waves can pass at up to the speed of light (depending on the density of cross-ligands in the fabric, which unfold as the substances that we know as matter). These secondary waves are the ones compared and measured by scientific methods. They could create the fourth dimension of time constrained by the speed of light, as predicted in special relativity, and consistent with the general relativity of implicate order gravity within and between stable domains of informational movement.
The three types of double triquetra shown above, diversified by differently pairing right and left half-spin triquetral movements, thus are all models of transactional changes, consistent with the transactional nature of matter and spacetime predicted by Ruth Kastner and Andreas Schlatter’s ‘Relativistic Transactional Interpretation’ of quantum mechanics – the RTI model.[4]
There is more that could be said about how this philosophical and geometric model integrates gravity with electromagnetism and thermodynamics in an informational holomovement that could unfold as the fusion reactions of stars. It does so in a way that could resolve the inability of the Standard Model to account for gravitational attraction spanning the cosmos. A start at explaining that is made in the book. The reader can join an informal ongoing discussion among sceptics and supporters in a Substack community by subscribing to
A free booklet of these colour diagrams can be downloaded from my website’s home page
In summary, this triquetral cosmology (TQC) model displays geometrically in 3D-printed models of helicoid movement how the three dimensions of space could be a transactional emergent property, unfolding continuously from the systemic networking of a spinfoam of informational movement ligands. These synergic ligands connect movement between (and within) ‘stable domains’ of movement, which may represent mass and other features of particle behaviour. This model places gravity as prior to and unfolding within the Standard Model of particle physics.
[1] Griffiths, T. 2024. Clearing a Way: Unveiling the Mental Tricks that Hide Reality. O-Books.
[2] Bohm, David. 2002. Wholeness and the Implicate Order. Routledge and Keegan Paul. London and New York. 1980. Routledge Classics.
[3] Last accessed 7th February, 2024.
[4] Kastner, R.E., 2022. The Transactional Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics: A Relativistic Treatment. Cambridge University Press.