Relatedness and Emotional Chaos Theory

Emotions connect.
Chaos Theory emerged in the 1980’s. Super-computers began to improve weather forecasting. Why, the scientists were asking, does one cloud burst into rain, while others do not? Emotional Chaos Theory goes on to ask, “Why does one person sometimes burst into tears, while others do not?” The principles of movement and changing reorganisation are identical in every adaptable ‘system of richly inter-connected relationships’. Water vapour in a cloud, and emotional hormones moving a social human body, both show the same patterns of breakdown and reorganisation of order during times of change. That’s remarkable. And that’s why life sticks together and moves on even after disasters!
Emotional Chaos Theory helps people to learn these principles of organisation so that they can better thrive in social systems, where change is inevitable, such as in families, workplaces and neighbourhoods. Emotions are physical, not just in the mind. They share vital information about our personal values, and those of others. Emotional Logic is the way out of turmoil in life by naming those values, and choosing to build a future securely on them.
Chaos Theory has been sadly mis-named, however!
Better would be: ‘The emergence of order out of chaos by feedback learning… Theory’, but that’s not a good journalistic sound-bite! The all-important feedback insight about social living, which brings order to stressed personal experience, is the conversational method called Emotional Logic. It shows how all your unpleasant emotions move you along a logical process of adjusting to the un-named losses hidden within change. When understood, this process automatically builds relatedness and growth as we emerge from stress.
Sometimes, however, when the social messages of emotion get too mixed up, they can confuse and disconnect people… both socially and within. The New Science of Chaos explains, however, how the seeds of order are already present within whatever seems to be chaotic. Healthy order can be restored by nurturing those seeds of your personal values by emotionally aware feedback.
The reason why it works so well is explained in the Insights. They introduce Emotional Chaos Theory bit-by-bit, like raindrops watering a parched land. Grief can turn into growth so you come through stronger with your emotions.

Order and movement is restored by feedback learning in the depths of what it is to be a person.

Feedback insights about your personal values and your reasonable feelings of loss or worry can grow a feeling of belonging more deeply in your social and physical environments. You become an ecological person, relating well to others and not just living in your head.
Then both the New Science of the physical environment and the view of spirituality as your relatedness can come together in celebration of the movement that is life. The more you understand your heart level values and emotional responses, the more you can influence and shape the future. E-motion is your energy in motion.
Increase your power of choice to connect deeply and sincerely while you can. Times of turmoil contain the seeds of growth. Learn now to find and nurture those life-enhancing values deeply in your heart, and in the hearts of those you choose to relate to. Then life will hold together better, even through all its unexpected turns.