4-5/36: Two more events that broke space-time rules
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4-5/36: Two more events that broke space-time rules

I’m sharing 36 true accounts of events in my life (recorded in the back of my Bible) that, astonishingly, so broke the widely accepted ‘rules’ of a mechanistic, space-time materialism worldview of ‘life’ that I simply had to find another way to explain them. A true scientist receives observations and experiences as data that must…

The Future-telling dream that saved my life, 2/36

The Future-telling dream that saved my life, 2/36

A second unusual event in my life that broke the rules of space and time happened in 1972 when I was a student in my third year at Oxford University studying medicine, neuroscience, and immunology. I was an unusual student in that I had a motorbike rather than a pushbike, which I tended to drive a bit too fast.
One night I had a dream in which there were two scenes…

The Rope Ladder Miracle, 1962 – 1/36
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The Rope Ladder Miracle, 1962 – 1/36

The first account in this series of remarkable events in my life that do not fit with the scientific materialist worldview, which is currently prevalent, happened when I was 11 years old. I was on a scout camp in a huge field surrounded by woods, across which ran an ancient hedge that over the centuries had flattened off into only a ridge and dip in the land. A single huge oak tree remained half way along it. The Senior Scouts had arrived before us and set up a death slide from the tree, with a zip wire from high up in the branches down to about 30 meters along the dip.

A testimonial series of posts on the unusual phenomena of my life
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A testimonial series of posts on the unusual phenomena of my life

I’m starting a series of posts about my personal story, my testimony of strange events that have happened throughout my life. They are the reason why I have developed this new vibrational model of matter, explaining how our material embodiment connects as waveforms with our wider psychospiritual development, with consciousness, and with the aesthetic appreciation…

A Christmas Post to Honour the Holy Spirit

A Christmas Post to Honour the Holy Spirit

After two thousand years of theological debate, the work and dynamism of Holy Spirit in people’s lives remains enigmatic, as I suppose spiritual issues always should be. But let us celebrate one step forward in understanding and imagining. It comes from a study of languages at a time when gender equality-with-diversity is growing in importance around the world. Holy Spirit is the feminine principle in the One living Godhead.

Triunity – nondual life process philosophy

Triunity – nondual life process philosophy

Triunity, like monism and dualism, is a philosophical approach to make sense of lived experience. Triune process philosophy extends the New Science of adaptive systems into a theory of knowing that overcomes the mind/matter dichotomy. In this new approach to epistemology, an identical fabric of informational processing accounts for movement within both the material cosmos,…

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