I’m starting a series of posts about my personal story, my testimony of strange events that have happened throughout my life. They are the reason why I have developed this new vibrational model of matter, explaining how our material embodiment connects as waveforms with our wider psychospiritual development, with consciousness, and with the aesthetic appreciation of life that we can socially share with others. This model of waveforms, called a triquetral process cosmology, is coherent with the New Science of adaptive relational systems. It is relevant to the future development priorities of health and social care systems that can help people to grow and adjust and survive and adapt together as our environments change.
These unusual experiences, occurring throughout my life, are events that did not fit with the previously prevailing scientific materialistic way of understanding matter as little lumps or particles moving in space and time. When viewed from that perspective, these events are miracles – observed experiences when matter has behaved in exceptional ways that defy the cause-effect normality of physical laws. There are dreams also that have foretold the future so precisely that they made me change my usual course of action, and as a consequence could see events unfold before my eyes that would otherwise have killed me. There are stories of strange knowledge remotely received that shaped life in constructive ways. They are all true. They are personal facts – data that any scientific theory needs to provide an account for.
Over the decades I have discovered that lots of people get these experiences. The more I’m in contact with people now, the more I hear how people of all backgrounds and levels of training are gaining in their strength of voice to be honest about these events. These personal experiences are one-off events that cannot be repeated. They therefore cannot fit within the old Enlightenment scientific paradigm of research, which requires dispassionate observation of some measurable ‘thing’ or event, which thing or event can be repeatedly measured by another team in another place at another time.
That method generated a scientific materialist way to describe what is presumed to be reality. Of course this approach to life has been valuable to the extent of developing technologies, but it cannot describe the whole story of truly human life experience. It therefore should not determine the values by which important decisions are made that affect the future survivability of life on this small blue and brown planet. Over the decades, as a doctor who understands embodiment as an open living process of feedback cycles that regulate our chemistry, I have sought ways to integrate a picture of socialised conversational life that allows materialistic science to be mechanistically true so far as it goes. That integration needs to combine observable physical processes equally with the social-spiritual level of experiential reality that could allow these one-off unusual events to be true and real. The reality I have discovered is that they share their vibrational transformative effects on patterns that stabilise within processes and relationships at every level of organisation – from quantum to cosmos, and from the inner human heart to evolving social cultures. That’s where aesthetics enters the picture.
I’m confident now that the ‘triquetral model’ of depth reality I have come up with over several decades is robust enough for the job. It can account for both the regular patterns of life that the old Enlightenment science method studied, and the one-off experienced events that break those patterns. These unusual events break patterns, however, without also breaking the triune principles of organisation that I describe in my book Clearing a Way: Unveiling the Mental Tricks that Hide Reality.

These principles enable patterns in movement to emerge and to harmonically stabilise enough that they repeatedly unfold as physical laws, which shape the moving cosmos ‘on average’. They are aetheric principles of organisation. They describe an ‘informational synergic field’ of integrated holomovement. From this ‘one field’ can actualise patterns experienced as physical particles and objects synchronously with experiencing meaning consciously. As participators in this one field, exceptional physical events can be the source of the healing and restoration of life that so many (who have experienced them) discover to be true and life-enhancing. It is this experience that leads many to claim that this one field is the intelligent love of divinity – its vibrational movements are the voice of love. We all need a regularising and ordered physical framework to make daily shared life predictable, secure, creative, and potentially beautiful, which that principled voice sustains. But occasionally a once off correction may be life-enhancing.
The model I have come up with to describe each of our unique patterns of participation in this one ‘informenergy’ field describes three ‘analytical perspectives on life‘ that generate different worldviews – materialism, informationism, and vitalism. They all slightly distort the utterly relational life that is generated by these foundational principles of organisation of movement. Each worldview is partially true, but only so far as it goes. On its own each cannot provide a full story or picture of the whole truth about our embodied and shared lives. I therefore also teach what I call yes-and-no-no analysis, which empowers people to understand and evaluate life from all three perspectives. When thus equipped with a continuously enlarging consciousness, people can balance their responses to each other with a newly discovered aesthetic wisdom. It becomes a way of living truth, not merely describing ‘it’, as if ‘relationality’ can ever be observable without fully participating in life.
The apocryphal story is relevant here, of someone who asks a fish, “What do you think of the water today?” To which the fish, looking perplexed, replies, “What water?”
Learning to apply yes-and-no-no analysis to our lived experience is practised in the online discussion groups and posts booked through my Substack: TriquetraLife.substack.com. I’m posting this testimonial series with related podcasts in that Substack, so that readers and listeners can hear and see for themselves the facts of experience for which triquetral cosmology offers a balancing account. People are naturally socialised or ‘educated’ into believing predominantly one analytical perspective or another, as if ‘it’ is the prevailing truth. Equally naturally, they may therefore also find stepping onwards to explore new ways difficult. Occasionally people experience an ‘Aha!’ moment as they understand how potentially conflicting worldview accounts of life can unfold from a common orientating base of consciousness. However, the final central resting bench after staying with the maze or mandala of exploration is one of pure aesthetic beauty and peace. It may even become one of quiet joy as we continuously relearn how to live in harmony with others shaped by a Golden Ratio of movement among unexpected turns of events.
Triquetral cosmology is a hypothesis deduced from inductive science that explains nevertheless how unusual and unrepeatable events are evidence of a depth reality that is veiled by thinking too analytically. This vibrational model of matter can account for the thirty-six unusual events that I have recorded in the back of my Bible. I wasn’t always Christian in my approach to life. However, I have found my life can be renewed at an unlimited depth by stepping back from narrow-mindedness in religions, and even narrower-minded old style science, into a spiritual walk with a man from Galilee who spoke words of life to others, and equally in a conversational walk with people who are discovering their inner strength to voice the truth of their lived experience. This is the Way of heart level participation in this mystical realm of triune beauty. You can reject these testimonial posts if you like, but they are data for any student of life. They happened once, never to be repeated in exactly that same way.