Updating Kübler-Ross linearity for trauma care

Updating Kübler-Ross linearity for trauma care

The Kübler-Ross change curve is a linear picture of emotional processing that was developed before the New Science of the 1980s empowered people to think more about patterns of emotion processing that can transform life. The New Science model is better to help prevent traumatisation after challenging situations.

A Science of Values

A Science of Values

The old science made comparisons and measurements What’s important to you, and what’s important to others, shapes the world. But never exactly how you want it, or when you want it; and others may seem to have more influence than you, or more control. It takes time to shape the world, and that is where…

Intelligence – artificial, Universal, personal
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Intelligence – artificial, Universal, personal

Do you think people should slow the pace of developing artificial intelligence? Lots of leading scientists do. You will have your own opinion too, even by saying, “I don’t know.” That fact of diverse views, however, IS INTELLIGENCE. It is human, personal intelligence. The fact of communicating movement between diverse outlooks (and for humans that…

What is Emotional Chaos Theory?

What is Emotional Chaos Theory?

Emotional Chaos Theory is an explanation of how personal insights gained by mapping the complex emotional states that people may experience during times of change, disappointment or hurt can lead to dramatic improvements in their sense of personal identity, self-respect, and wellbeing. This transformative learning process of re-engagement with life emerges as a post-traumatic growth…

What do I mean by synergy?

What do I mean by synergy?

Energy we know. We feel energetic or flat. We feel warmth from a fire and relax, or the cold blast of a wind in winter and tense up. Many of us have felt small electric shocks by accident, and some have been sadly tortured by them. If we call out to someone in the distance,…

The human limbic brain is NOT reptilian… It is our human social heart

The human limbic brain is NOT reptilian… It is our human social heart

Prince William and Kate have delightfully announced that they are going to use an ‘emotion coaching’ style of upbringing for their children. They are picking up on John Gottman’s description of mutual responsiveness, which he contrasts with three other relational attitudes towards emotional expression – disapproving, dismissing, or laissez-faire. Brilliant. I hope the royals will…

Is information a noun, or a verb?

Is information a noun, or a verb?

Is information a noun, or a verb? Can information sit in a computer’s hard disc? Or do we need to be clearer that data sits in a hard disc as static patterns of digits, while life goes on around it? This post, like the chicken-egg conundrum, challenges a misleading feature of information theory. It is worth writing about,…

Facts, feelings, and science

Facts, feelings, and science

A healthcare scientist once said, “There are facts, and there are feelings.” I doubt that it is such a clear distinction, and so I responded, “A free-thinking human being, including a scientist, chooses what counts as a fact! The neuroscientist Antonio Damasio showed that our power of choice depends on our feelings. It’s circular!” Which comes…

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A bit challenging… How to introduce you to new angles on old ideas? The New Science (of our experienced order emerging out of quantum chaos by feedback learning) changes the context of our lives. It truly should alter our hopes for something better as the climate crisis and conflicts force population shifts around the world….

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