New Science Emotional Chaos Theory liberates the traumatised

New Science Emotional Chaos Theory liberates the traumatised

Most but not all theories of how to manage traumatised people take a psychological view, that emotions and feelings are one and the same. The research paradigm for emotion has been that they arise in a linear stimulus-response process, but with no clear psychological purpose. Traumatisation, in this view, seems to be the overwhelming of…

The human limbic brain is NOT reptilian… It is our human social heart

The human limbic brain is NOT reptilian… It is our human social heart

Prince William and Kate have delightfully announced that they are going to use an ‘emotion coaching’ style of upbringing for their children. They are picking up on John Gottman’s description of mutual responsiveness, which he contrasts with three other relational attitudes towards emotional expression – disapproving, dismissing, or laissez-faire. Brilliant. I hope the royals will…

Greed is a pattern of Denial of inner grief

Greed is a pattern of Denial of inner grief

Greed is a form of Denial that in the inner heart there is grief unresolved. Greed is saying publicly, to be heard and seen, “Expand to conceal the grief that hides inside.” That is why greed feeds and feeds on others, imagining that power and control will cure the inner misery. But only purifying the…

Maintaining unity involves creative grief

Maintaining unity involves creative grief

So often, pleas for unity and cooperation spread silence rather than enthusiasm. A YouTube video of a motivational speaker showed him raise the spirits of his audience by encouraging attitudes of self-empowerment in leadership, enabling people to face challenges with confidence. Vocal affirmations across the audience brought people to their feet, until he spoke his…

Is information a noun, or a verb?

Is information a noun, or a verb?

Is information a noun, or a verb? Can information sit in a computer’s hard disc? Or do we need to be clearer that data sits in a hard disc as static patterns of digits, while life goes on around it? This post, like the chicken-egg conundrum, challenges a misleading feature of information theory. It is worth writing about,…

Emotions ‘in the now’

Emotions ‘in the now’

Feelings of illness and fatigue are not the same as the physical disease process. The disease is physical; the feelings are our information about the disease. Likewise, feelings of emotion are information about our physical emotions. Why is this an important distinction? As a medic, I understand emotions as preparation states of a person’s physical…

Breaking out of the chicken-egg conundrum

Breaking out of the chicken-egg conundrum

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? One answer is, “A chicken is how an egg reproduces itself.” This entertaining puzzler is solvable, however, if you start thinking about patterns of relationships in time. It becomes entertaining philosophy instead; when relatedness-time replaces linear-time. I’ll explain with a true story… A long time ago, when I moved from London…

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