Intelligent Love makes the world grow greener
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Intelligent Love makes the world grow greener

Love has a complex beauty. What do you love or hope for? Who or how do you love in the now, and for how long? Don’t run away! This is going somewhere growing. I’m not talking just about fleeting feelings. I’m introducing you to the stable depths of your intelligent love. That tricky word ‘intelligence’…

How I found an intelligent love of cobwebs

How I found an intelligent love of cobwebs

One morning I decided I would take my breakfast down to the garden summerhouse. It was warm and sunny after a long period of cloud and rain in a summer on the British Isles. I opened the double doors and hooked them back, noticing how cobwebs had accumulated again after my previous thorough clean of…

Mindfulness – How to row your boat…

Mindfulness – How to row your boat…

I was taken hold of one day by a nostalgic memory of a week’s rest near the far end of Loch Alsh, a peaceful, tidal sea inlet close by the Isle of Skye in Scotland. A rowing boat came with the cottage. The tidal rhythm of high to low over six hours and twelve and…

Breaking out of the chicken-egg conundrum

Breaking out of the chicken-egg conundrum

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? One answer is, “A chicken is how an egg reproduces itself.” This entertaining puzzler is solvable, however, if you start thinking about patterns of relationships in time. It becomes entertaining philosophy instead; when relatedness-time replaces linear-time. I’ll explain with a true story… A long time ago, when I moved from London…

Beyond Materialism: ‘some sort of panpsychism’, or not?

Beyond Materialism: ‘some sort of panpsychism’, or not?

For three hundred years or more, scientific method has been based on detached observation. Experimenters study ‘it’ as if from a dualistically separate rational mind, which philosophically is also an ‘it’ (a noun), but a different sort of ‘it’.

Then came quantum physics (now for about 100 years!), with its discovery that every measurement is an act of participation. No longer is the rationalising mind dualistically separated from ‘the experimental system’. Philosophers, metaphysicians, cosmologists, and the general thinking public are placed in a quandary. The old Greco-Roman categories of matter and mind seem inadequate to explain the interface,



This insight is for those whose desire is to mature in love. In a sexually liberated world, people risk losing sight of the depth and radiance that is love. My story may shock the liberated on realising that a despised minority has insight that may benefit the majority, who are heading into an ecological catastrophe. Please listen beyond your first emotional reaction to make a reasoned response to the whole story later. Its location is a weekend conference…

What is Emotional Logic?

What is Emotional Logic?

A friend and colleague recently typed this question into Grammarly AI supported search engine, and out came this explanation: “Emotional Logic is a way of understanding how our emotions influence our thoughts, behaviors, and decisions. It suggests that emotions are not just irrational impulses, but rather have a logic of their own that can be…

Updating Kübler-Ross linearity for trauma care

Updating Kübler-Ross linearity for trauma care

The Kübler-Ross change curve is a linear picture of emotional processing that was developed before the New Science of the 1980s empowered people to think more about patterns of emotion processing that can transform life. The New Science model is better to help prevent traumatisation after challenging situations.

A Science of Values

A Science of Values

The old science made comparisons and measurements What’s important to you, and what’s important to others, shapes the world. But never exactly how you want it, or when you want it; and others may seem to have more influence than you, or more control. It takes time to shape the world, and that is where…

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