Icon and symbol: the difference is important
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Icon and symbol: the difference is important

I love diversity. Difference inspires meetings. I am filled with awe at how every human being has unique facial features and fingerprints and voice and values. The fact that even penguins recognise their unique mate after several months’ separation, and kiss with their beaks is simply mind-boggling. The numerous unusual experiences I am recording publicly…

4-5/36: Two more events that broke space-time rules
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4-5/36: Two more events that broke space-time rules

I’m sharing 36 true accounts of events in my life (recorded in the back of my Bible) that, astonishingly, so broke the widely accepted ‘rules’ of a mechanistic, space-time materialism worldview of ‘life’ that I simply had to find another way to explain them. A true scientist receives observations and experiences as data that must…

A Christmas Post to Honour the Holy Spirit

A Christmas Post to Honour the Holy Spirit

After two thousand years of theological debate, the work and dynamism of Holy Spirit in people’s lives remains enigmatic, as I suppose spiritual issues always should be. But let us celebrate one step forward in understanding and imagining. It comes from a study of languages at a time when gender equality-with-diversity is growing in importance around the world. Holy Spirit is the feminine principle in the One living Godhead.

Triunity – nondual life process philosophy

Triunity – nondual life process philosophy

Triunity, like monism and dualism, is a philosophical approach to make sense of lived experience. Triune process philosophy extends the New Science of adaptive systems into a theory of knowing that overcomes the mind/matter dichotomy. In this new approach to epistemology, an identical fabric of informational processing accounts for movement within both the material cosmos,…

Pure relatedness as Pure Spirit

Pure relatedness as Pure Spirit

Now that Materialism has melted its lumps and particles into a quantum gravity spinfoam of curling strings, we human beings can breathe a sigh of relief and feel secure with each other again. No longer must we obey old-style scientists who tell us, in their lab-coated priestly garments, that we are only randomly moving aggregates of molecules moving with momentum. No longer must we see ourselves as matter bouncing off each other as our separated mental worlds collide. The horror movie of existential aloneness is at last ended.

Qualities of Consciousness

Qualities of Consciousness

My story about qualities of consciousness alerts us to a level of wholeness and life that purely informational intelligence cannot reach, even though machines win chess tournaments and guide explosives out of the skies to rain down on cities. It is called Universal Love… but, you know, it’s Tough Love.

Getting Masculine Archetypes Right

Getting Masculine Archetypes Right

Emanual Kuntzelman and Jill Robinson have edited an inspiring anthology recently released called ‘The Holomovement: Embracing our collective purpose to unite humanity’. I thoroughly recommend buying a copy, and giving further copies to your friends and enemies. It could help us all to find the collective path for humanity to survive the ecological and political crisis that is now upon us.



This insight is for those whose desire is to mature in love. In a sexually liberated world, people risk losing sight of the depth and radiance that is love. My story may shock the liberated on realising that a despised minority has insight that may benefit the majority, who are heading into an ecological catastrophe. Please listen beyond your first emotional reaction to make a reasoned response to the whole story later. Its location is a weekend conference…

A Nobel Prize for Holomovement
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A Nobel Prize for Holomovement

The 2022 Nobel Prize awarded for Physics has far wider implications than for science alone. It affects every aspect of our relationships, and it should affect every political, social, religious, and shopping decision made from now on. How is that? What does it mean? The Prize awarded to physicists John Clouser, Alain Aspect and Anton…

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