I shall share with you now a pause for thought, having published fifteen of these thirty-six events so far both in this my Insights blog (Relatedness.net) and in my Substack: TriquetraLife.substack.com.
These two platforms have slightly different purposes. These fifteen events have introduced the types of life experience that are incompatible with the scientific theory that generates a cultural belief in materialism. This materialist theory needs to be revised also in the light of the New Science of quantum fields. Its alternative is NOT supernaturalism, however, the fear of which drives people to deposit their hope in atoms and matter. Its alternative is to transition bravely from a committed belief in lumpy material ‘particles’ as reality (atomism) to enjoying these ‘particles’ as if they were stabilised feedback patterns of movement, as if they were vibrational resonances in a process view of living reality in which we all share and participate creatively.
In a process view of reality, life moves in the quantum field depths between every pattern we recognise and experience. Some of our conversations extend in resonance beyond our immediate physical localities.

Probing the depths of this type of vibrational cosmos taps into the flow of integrating love, out of which renewable life gathers and grows.
Choosing your growth purpose
On both of my Internet sites I am opening a lens upon this process view of participatory reality. Each site, however, will increasingly offer a different angle on the growth and renewal of life.
In this Insights blog, on my relatedness.net and book sales site, I shall increasingly offer how the Emotional Logic approach to healthy adaptability during times of change can equip people to manage the uncertainties of life in the world we face. I shall be developing the idea of Climate Adaptability Trust Groups (CAT Groups) in which a coordinator who has an Emotional Logic Foundation Award qualification can create the safe and open mental environment where people discover their own and other people’s personal values. The method intrinsically and safely reinterprets and harnesses emotional energy into achievable growth, individually and among the group. The method empowers people to help each other to preserve named personal values as they shape their futures in changing life conditions.
We all have to adapt to together, or fall out apart, but cooperative approaches will help the human race to evolve in balance with our planet more sustainably than by conflict. My purpose here is to offer people who experience climate anxiety, or any other sort of isolating doubt about the future, a source of strength and inner growth that the materialistic and monetaristic world does not value. Creative and participatory consciousness, alongside individualistic observatory types of consciousness, can mix in these groups and unfold into stabilising projects that are relevant to local diverse conditions.
On the other hand, if you subscribe to my Substack TriquetraLife.substack.com the posts you receive in your inbox would accumulate with entertaining side shows of poetic stories that all, like a lens, peer inside and explore that creative process of growth and renewal of life.
TriquetraLife posts will mingle a non-technical bringing together of poetic stories and some art with the New Science of quantum field theory and adaptive dynamic systems. They will mix philosophy with the practical incidents of everyday life. By enhancing your lived experience of diversity in the depths of wholeness you may rediscover the pre-verbal connection of your inner human heart into the cosmological movements of synergic information. There is now a global move towards people from a wide range of cultural and language backgrounds recognising that we all see the same wholeness deeper than the material world and the myths that minds have produced over the millennia. The recognition of depth unity is growing, without abandoning the benefits of our shared diversity.
This Substack will see life through the lens of the ancient Celtic icon of unending movement called a triquetra, tri-quetra being the Latin for a three cornered shape that is not a triangle. Triquetral movement has two equally valid internal spins, which can inter-relate much like the Taoist yin-yang taijitu.

They add the benefit of showing how networks of spins can shape up into patterns. I have made 3D-printed models showing how these patterns can look like particles and waves emerging out of Tao emptiness known as unformed movement, or the formless void of Genesis 1 verse 2.

A new metaphysics of ‘triple aspect monism’ is forming from that void. One aether moves at the liminal zone there with three diverse types of spinning ligand that shape an expanding cosmology, consistent with the New Science and with some ancient spiritual wisdom traditions. From this un-nameable source, all diversity pours forth into existence.

The old scientific method pushes the person out of reality into an observer status on all this movement. Students learn to think that way as a ‘scientist’, and then generalise it to life as a whole. They become ‘decoherent’ with depth reality, partially alienated from life by doubts in their inner hearts, and pushed towards rationalised individualism with existential anxiety. The New Science of dynamic adaptive systems, however, includes the mindful person in its feedback systems of movement that contribute to bringing order out of chaos. We all are part of something bigger that has an innate call towards rediscovering wholeness. However, we all have learnt how to deny that call. Potentially we can relearn how to listen safely.
The remaining 21 stories of unusual events will be told in TriquetraLife.substack.com. That is because they are the evidence from within of the failure of a purely materialistic science to provide a satisfying explanation for the depth of ‘conversational reality’ that accounts for our liminal zone of interactive consciousness. When viewed through the lens of triple aspect monism the core state of human existence becomes being a presence of loving kindness, which can corrupt, but which also can be safely explored. As creative participators in this process we rediscover our place of belonging through the inner heart in a far wider life of growth than we may have formerly imagined.