I recently came across an interesting Sanskrit concept, mentioned by Prof. Louis Cozolino at a Play Therapy UK conference. He was talking about how the Western notion of mind as an individualistic possession is only one way to consider the developing mind. There is a social aspect to the developing mind that is ignored commonly in the West. We might call it ‘group mind’. The Sanskrit word found in the ancient Indian Vedic texts, from which Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism derive their source, has no direct translation into English, but it means interdependent co-origination.
Taking that surprising phrase backwards… it means ‘things have their origins or source together; so, things do not exist in and of themselves independently even though it might seem to us in our thinking as if they can and do’.

This struck home to me. The same concept of healthy mutual interdependence is the essence of triune dynamics at the source of life. It is the core meaning of the double triquetra icon that I use both for this blog and the relatedness.net site as a whole. I shall explain this further in a Raindrop Essay.
Why might this be worth blogging about!? It means that the one source of life, which is also the source of the ongoing healing and restoration in life, is identifiably deeper than all constructed religions throughout history. Christianity, like Buddhism, is not meant to be a religion. It is a character revealed in a man who related creatively to others. Christianity is meant to be a lived humanity, by choice, at-one with the dynamics and truth that is at the source of all life and healing. Buddhism is meant to be a release from mental self-created falsehood.
This is a plea to stop worrying about diversity. Deeper than religious divisions is the potential for healing of relationships at-one with the dynamic source of life.